2 Full Days Speed Reading Training Course for High School Students: “High School Speed Reader Intensive: 2-Day Immersion Program for Literacy Excellence”

Embark on a transformative journey towards literacy excellence with our immersive two-day speed reading training course tailored exclusively for high school students: “High School Speed Reader Intensive: 2-Day Immersion Program for Literacy Excellence.” In today’s information-rich world, the ability to read swiftly and comprehend effectively is indispensable for academic success and personal growth. Through this comprehensive program, students will delve into the art and science of speed reading, equipping themselves with invaluable skills to navigate the vast landscape of texts with confidence and efficiency.

Over the course of two intensive days, participants will immerse themselves in a rich learning environment designed to optimize their reading abilities. From mastering foundational techniques like skimming and scanning to exploring advanced strategies such as peripheral vision expansion and subvocalization reduction, students will gain a deep understanding of the principles behind speed reading. Through hands-on practice sessions, interactive exercises, and real-world applications, students will not only enhance their reading speed but also refine their comprehension skills, ensuring a holistic approach to literacy development.

Moreover, the “High School Speed Reader Intensive” program is more than just a training course—it’s a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. By fostering a growth mindset towards reading and promoting a culture of collaboration and peer support, students will be inspired to push the boundaries of their learning and strive for excellence. As they embark on this immersive experience, participants will unlock their full potential as confident, efficient readers, poised to excel academically and embrace a lifelong love for learning.


1. Introduce comprehensive speed reading techniques: Provide high school students with an extensive repertoire of speed reading strategies, including skimming, scanning, chunking, and meta-guiding, to enhance their reading speed and comprehension during the “High School Speed Reader Intensive” program.

2. Foster advanced reading efficiency: Guide students in mastering advanced techniques such as expanding peripheral vision, reducing regression, and minimizing subvocalization, enabling them to read more efficiently and extract key information effectively throughout the two-day immersion program.

3. Cultivate critical thinking skills: Incorporate activities and discussions that stimulate critical thinking, analysis, and synthesis of information, encouraging students to engage deeply with texts and develop their analytical abilities alongside their speed reading proficiency.

4. Harness technology for accelerated learning: Utilize cutting-edge digital tools and resources to augment the speed reading experience, introducing students to innovative apps, software, and online platforms designed to optimize reading speed, comprehension, and retention.

5. Offer extended practice sessions: Provide ample opportunities for students to apply speed reading techniques through extended practice sessions, immersive reading exercises, and real-world reading tasks tailored to their academic needs and interests.

6. Conduct personalized assessments and feedback: Administer individualized assessments to evaluate each student’s reading proficiency and comprehension levels, offering targeted feedback and guidance to address their specific strengths and areas for improvement throughout the two-day program.

7. Instill a growth mindset towards reading: Encourage students to adopt a growth mindset, emphasizing the importance of persistence, resilience, and continuous improvement in mastering speed reading skills and overcoming reading challenges.

8. Emphasize holistic comprehension: Reinforce the notion that speed reading is not just about reading quickly but also about understanding and synthesizing information effectively, guiding students to balance speed with comprehensive understanding throughout their reading journey.

9. Explore specialized speed reading techniques: Introduce students to specialized speed reading techniques tailored for specific academic disciplines, such as scientific texts, historical documents, and literary analysis, expanding their repertoire of skills for literacy excellence.

10. Address psychological barriers to reading: Identify common psychological barriers to reading such as anxiety, lack of focus, and information overload, and provide students with strategies to overcome these obstacles and maintain peak reading performance.

11. Connect speed reading skills to academic success: Demonstrate how speed reading skills can enhance academic performance by improving study efficiency, increasing reading productivity, and boosting overall learning outcomes across various subjects and disciplines.

12. Encourage collaborative learning and peer support: Facilitate opportunities for students to collaborate, share insights, and support one another in their speed reading journey, fostering a supportive and enriching learning environment throughout the two-day immersion program.

13. Provide resources for continued growth: Equip students with resources and recommendations for further practice, exploration, and self-directed learning beyond the confines of the program, empowering them to continue honing their speed reading skills independently.

14. Promote a love for lifelong learning: Inspire students to view speed reading as a gateway to lifelong learning and personal enrichment, emphasizing the intrinsic value and joy of reading and encouraging them to pursue their intellectual passions with curiosity and enthusiasm.

15. Foster a sense of achievement and pride: Celebrate students’ progress and achievements throughout the two-day immersion program, recognizing their dedication, effort, and growth as they continue on their journey towards literacy excellence.

16. Empower students as ambassadors of literacy: Encourage students to share their newfound speed reading skills and knowledge with their peers, family, and community, serving as ambassadors of literacy and advocates for the transformative power of education and lifelong learning.

As the “High School Speed Reader Intensive: 2-Day Immersion Program for Literacy Excellence” draws to a close, we celebrate the remarkable progress and achievements of our participants. Throughout this transformative journey, students have delved deep into the realm of speed reading, mastering a diverse array of techniques and strategies to enhance their reading speed and comprehension. Beyond mere skill acquisition, students have cultivated a profound appreciation for the power of literacy and its role in shaping their academic success and personal growth.

As students bid farewell to this immersive experience, they carry with them not only enhanced reading abilities but also a renewed sense of confidence and empowerment. The skills and insights gained during the program will serve as invaluable assets as they navigate the complexities of academia and beyond. From mastering textbooks to devouring literature, students are equipped with the tools to tackle any reading challenge that comes their way.

As educators, we are inspired by the dedication, enthusiasm, and resilience demonstrated by our participants throughout the program. We encourage them to continue honing their skills, embracing the spirit of lifelong learning, and sharing their knowledge with others. With their newfound literacy excellence, students are poised to embark on a journey of academic achievement, personal fulfillment, and limitless possibilities.

Date & Time: Drop us a message below for the latest dates, 9 AM – 5 PM
Fees: S$889.97
Location: Live Online Learning with a Trainer
Max Class Size: 6

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